
CPC Solar collector, Compound parabolic collector

CPC Solar collector, Compound parabolic collector, Cylindrical parabolic collector

Vacuum tube solar collector, Evacuated tube solar collector

Transform the sun’s rays into free heat for your premises to reduce your energy costs and impact on the environment.
To increase the solar collector efficiency, concentrating collectors such as CPC solar collector can be used.
CPC solar collector. compound parabolic concentrator solar collectors are non-imaging concentrators with a low concentration ratio. The CPC solar collector uses a compound parabolic reflecting surface to reflect and concentrate the solar radiation to the focal line.

1:Feature: High performance; 2:Product: CPC Heat pipe solar collector

CPC Solar collector, Compound parabolic collector

High performance (CPC Solar collector)

These concentrators do not have such strict requirements for the incidence angle as the parabolic troughs have, which makes them attractive from the point of view of system simplicity and flexibility. Like parabolic and other shapes, CPC concentrators can be applied in both linear (troughs) and three-dimensional (parabolocylinder) versions. The same as in “pure” parabola case, troughs are most widespread and useful for this type of concentrator.

CPC Solar collector, Compound parabolic collector

The CPC consists of two parabolic reflectors which funnel the incident solar radiation on to the absorber. The right and left halves belong to different parabolas. Each parabola is passing through the focus of the other parabola. The distance between two focuses is the absorber. The CPC concentrators can be used in nontracking mode with seasonal tilt adjustments and can provide concentration ratios in the range of (3-7)

CPC Solar collector products

CPC Solar collector, Compound parabolic collector

ONS-HPC03(CPC) CPC Heat pipe solar collector

1)Using CPC reflector to light and focus by 360 °
2)Make full use of heat absorption area of circumference of vacuum tube to make the heat conduction medium in vacuum tube reach more than 130 degrees quickly


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