
ONOSI temperature control heat pipe solar collector

Temperature control Heat pipe solar collector

Vacuum tube solar collector, Evacuated tube solar collector

ONOSI Solar: Fully implements the ISO9001:2018 international quality system authentication , through field inspections by authoritative organizations such as TUV and SPF. Won the certification of SOLAR KEYMARK, SRCC, CE, ROHS,etc.

ONOSI temperature control heat pipe solar collector

ONOSI Solar combines the patented five-dimensional heat transfer technology, using self-developed working fluid and innovative technology to break through the development of a new type of temperature-controlled solar heat pipe collector with super copper water heat pipe performance, It provides a revolutionary solution for the large-scale promotion of metal heat pipe-vacuum tube solar collectors,which mainly has the following product characteristics:

Feature: 1.High performance; 2.Long life; 3.Intelligent temperature control; 4.No installation angle limit;

High performance

The ONOSI temperature-controlled solar heat pipe adopts a different heat transfer mode from the traditional copper-water heat pipe,The heat transfer capacity of a single heat pipe is not limited, which can meet the large heat transfer requirements of CPC solar collectors.

Long life

The internal pressure of ONOSI temperature-controlled solar heat pipe is positive pressure (that is, higher than atmospheric pressure), there is no life problem caused by reduced vacuum, the effective life of the product is greater than 15 years.

Intelligent temperature control

The traditional gravity solar heat pipe does not have a temperature control mechanism and cannot solve the overheating problem of the system at the engineering application level.

Therefore, in actual engineering applications, when the heat is excessive, the pressure can only be relieved through the pressure relief valve, or the heat collection area is artificially reduced by covering.

The ONOSI temperature control solar heat pipe has an intelligent temperature control function. The maximum temperature of hot water in the solar system water tank can be controlled at 80 ℃.

No installation angle limit

The ONOSI temperature control heat pipe solar collector has no restrictions on the installation angle. The heat pipe angle is between 0 ° -180 ° and can be conducted without barriers. The solar collector can be installed in various ways such as  vertical and horizontal,  can replace U-type tube solar collector and horizontal heat pipe solar collector.

ONOSI temperature control heat pipe solar collector

ONOSI temperature control CPC heat pipe solar collector, intelligent temperature control, -80 ℃ antifreeze, long life and other characteristics to meet the application of solar collector projects in different scenarios. Solve the problems of high temperature reliability such as carbonization of thermal fluid caused by excess heat, loss of heat transfer capacity, excessive temperature of water tank and pressure relief.


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